Others Meetings
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The 13th Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress 2025
02 to 07 February 2025
The 13th Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress 2025 (APMC13)
02 to 07 February 2025
Molecular Diagnostics Training School
23 to 26 February 2025
Virtual Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Course
03 to 06 March 2025
This course will run over four half-days from Monday 3 – 6 March 2025, plus one optional additional Clinical Module on Monday 10 March 2025. The course will cover the basics of analysis for a number of different applications including antibody phenotyping, DNA and cell cycle kinetics, cell proliferation and death, and functional studies. There will also be the opportunity to explore high-dimensional analysis using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.
20th European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM 2025
11 to 14 March 2025
It is with great pleasure to invite you to Bilbao for the next European Molecular Imaging Meeting – the EMIM 2025! The EMIM 2025 is the 20th annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging – ESMI. (www.emim.eu).
Don’t miss to contribute! We are looking forward to many contributions from all fields of Imaging Science!
July 2024 | Open Call for Programme Team Members & Reviewers
24 Sep. 2024 | Opening Abstract Submission
19 Nov. 2024 | Deadline Abstract Submission
16 Jan. 2025 | Early Bird Registration Deadline
Abstract main categories
Physics, Engineering & Technologies
Probe Chemistry & Reporter Genes
Reconstruction, Processing & Analysis
Image-Guided Therapy
Cardiovascular & Respiratory
CNS & Peripheral Nerves
Immunology, Inflammation, & Infection
Re-/Degeneration & Developmental Biology
Contact: Doris Kracht
6th International Workshop on Electron Probe Micro-analysis
24 to 27 March 2025
Electron Microscopy Spring School
31 March to 04 April 2025
The RMS Electron Microscopy Spring School, held at the University of Leeds, aims to provide a basic training in both the theory and practice of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The course covers imaging, diffraction and chemical microanalysis as well as the highly important area of sample preparation.
European Workshop on Battery Interfaces
03 and 04 April 2025
18th Cryogenics 2025
07 to 11 April 2025
The conference will deal with new challenges of the equipment and technologies with temperatures below 120 K (-153°C), as well as with other devices and technologies related to the topic.
The programme now includes cryogenic electron microscopy - from freezing the sample to cooling the microscope. Microscopists involved in instrumentation or applications are cordially invited to actively participate.
IMPRESS School on Operando and Correlative Experiments
05 to 09 May 2025
Top Analytica's 5th Microscopy and Microanalysis Workshop
07 to 09 May 2025
Join us for the 5th Microscopy and Microanalysis Workshop hosted by Top Analytica, where professionals, researchers, and industry experts will gather to explore cutting-edge developments in the field. This year's program focuses on key topics including coatings technology and battery innovations, alongside advancements in imaging techniques, material characterization, and environmental analysis. With a blend of lectures, hands-on demonstrations, and networking opportunities, this workshop is designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. Mark your calendar—registration is open!
19th Meeting of the French Microscopy Society
30 June to 04 July 2025
Women in Electron Microscopy – Breaking Barriers and Building Networks 2025
08 to 10 October 2025
Past Top
UK Facility Managers Meeting
05 and 06 January 2015
Basic course resin embedding and ultrathin sectioning
19 to 21 January 2015
Basic course cryosectioning and Immuno-gold labeling of thawed frozen sections (Tokuyasu technique)
23 to 26 January 2015
NIBSC / JEOL / LEICA / Gatan CryoEM –Workshop
02 to 06 March 2015
42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Cutaneous Ultrastructure Research (SCUR)
12 to 14 March 2015
5th Erlangen TEM-School 2015
23 to 26 March 2015
Workshop on Integrated CLEM
26 March 2015
Focus on Microscopy 2015
29 March to 01 April 2015
Transmission Electron Microscopy in Life Sciences
30 March to 03 April 2015
2015 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
06 to 10 April 2015
Soft Matter CryoTEM Workshop
13 to 17 April 2015
Multi-dimensional data analysis with Python and HyperSpy
13 April 2015
Third Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy
19 to 23 April 2015
Organization: Ernst Ruska-Centre (Jülich)
RMS Botanical Microscopy Meeting
20 to 23 April 2015
New Possibilities in high-end TEM Instrumentation and In Situ Analysis in Gas and Liquid Environments
22 and 23 April 2015
3rd Croatian Microscopy Congress
26 to 29 April 2015
EBSD Training School
28 and 29 April 2015
14. European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis
03 to 07 May 2015
The 49th annual meeting of the Israel society for microscopy
17 and 18 May 2015
1st Slovene Microscopy Symposium
18 and 19 May 2015
15th Annual Meeting of the European Light Microscopy Initiative
19 to 22 May 2015
EDS Training School
19 and 20 May 2015
7th Aberration-corrected Electron Microscopy and EELS School
01 to 05 June 2015
Hosted by the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy
Microanalysis Education Workshop series
04 June 2015
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Workshop on Transmission Electron Microscopy
08 to 19 June 2015
FEBS Practical Course “Advanced Imaging of molecular complexes in living cells”
08 to 12 June 2015
09 to 11 June 2015
Summer School in Advanced Light Microscopy
15 to 19 June 2015
15th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials
16 to 19 June 2015
Workshop on Integrated CLEM
18 June 2015
5th International Colloids Conference
21 to 24 June 2015
Live-Cell Imaging
23 to 25 June 2015
Microanalysis Education Workshop series
23 June 2015
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
8th "Imaging The Cell" 2015
24 to 26 June 2015
Workshop on Integrated CLEM
24 June 2015
Advanced course Correlative Light Electron Microscopy
25 to 30 June 2015
Biannual congress of the French Microscopy Society
30 June to 03 July 2015
2nd Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy International conference (LSFM)
05 to 08 July 2015
Workshop on 3D solutions in Cryo-Electron Microscopy 2015
06 to 10 July 2015
14th International Congress for Stereology & Image Analysis
06 to 10 July 2015
International Workshop on Advanced and In-situ Microscopies of Functional Nanomaterials and Devices
08 to 10 July 2015
Workshop on Advanced In Situ TEM/STEM
20 to 23 July 2015
‘Introduction to ImageJ’ and ‘Writing macros in ImageJ’
20 and 21 July 2015
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015
02 to 06 August 2015
ESRIC Super-Resolution Summer School 2015
03 to 07 August 2015
Workshop on Electron Diffraction Pair Distribution Function (PDF) on amorphous and nanocrystalline materials
24 August 2015
39th Annual Symposium of the Microscopy Society of Ireland
26 to 28 August 2015
31st European Conference on Surface Science
31 August to 04 September 2015
Workshop on Integrated CLEM
01 September 2015
Hosted by Synapse and The Laboratory of Cellular Thrombosis and Haemostasis of the Maastricht University
Maastricht, The Netherlands
22nd National Electron Microscopy Congress
02 to 04 September 2015
Microanalysis Education Workshop series
03 September 2015
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microanalysis Education Workshop series
03 September 2015
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microscopy Conference (MC) 2015
06 to 11 September 2015
Nordic EELS School 2015
08 to 10 September 2015
Organisers: Gatan and TEM Gemini Centre, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Annual meeting of the Belgian Society for Microscopy vzw
11 September 2015
Microanalysis Education Workshop series
15 September 2015
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Imaging Life 2015
18 September 2015
XXIII Conference on Applied Crystallography
20 to 24 September 2015
Microanalysis Education Workshop series
22 September 2015
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Advanced EELS and EFTEM training school
29 September to 02 October 2015
Organisers: CEA MINATEC and Gatan
Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development V
04 to 09 October 2015
Workshop on Integrated CLEM
05 October 2015
Hosted by the Electron Microscopy Core Facility at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Microanalysis Education Workshop series
08 October 2015
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
DoKDoK 2015 - a doctoral conference on Optics and Photonics
11 to 15 October 2015
Nano-Spectroscopy & Bio-Imaging
14 and 15 October 2015
The Aurion ImmunoGold Silver Staining Fall Workshop
14 and 15 October 2015
Organizations: Aurion and Electron Microscopy Sciences
Microscopy in Medical Research and Diagnosis 2015
17 October 2015
Joint event from the RMS and RPS
Microanalysis Education Workshop series
27 October 2015
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microanalysis Education Workshop series
24 November 2015
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microanalysis on FIB-SEMs
24 November 2015
One day workshop on EBSD and EDX with scientific presentations and short demos on an SEM
Symposium L: Nanofunctional Materials and Nanodevices at the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibition
29 November to 04 December 2015
Global Engage's Microscopy Congress
30 November and 01 December 2015
Utilizing Microscopical Technologies as a Tool for Progressing Medical Research
ImageJ workshops: 'Introduction to ImageJ/Fiji' & 'Writing macros in ImageJ'
17 and 18 December 2015
Workshop on the Resolution Revolution in 3D Cryo-Electron Microscopy
11 and 12 January 2016
Deadline for travel scholarships: 1 November 2015
Electron Microscopy Section 50th Anniversary Meeting and 1st EM-UK Facility Managers Meeting
12 and 13 January 2016
10th Winter School of the ESMI on Cardiovascular Imaging
31 January to 05 February 2016
24th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis
31 January to 04 February 2016
Workshop on Imaging with Femtosecond Electrons and X-ray pulses
01 to 03 February 2016
FELMI EELS & EFTEM Course 2016
02 to 05 February 2016
Electron Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces
22 February 2016
11th European Molecular Imaging Meeting
08 to 10 March 2016
11th Seminar on Quantitative Microscopy (QM) and 7th Seminar on Nanoscale Calibration Standards and Methods
09 to 11 March 2016
Dimensional and related measurements in the micro- and nanometre range
Focus on Microscopy 2016
20 to 23 March 2016
Electron Back Scatter Diffraction Meeting 2016
22 and 23 March 2016
Porto AFM Workshop 2016
16 to 19 April 2016
A Course in Cryo Electron Microscopy Techniques
17 to 22 April 2016
Royal Microscopical Society Medal Series
23 to 30 April 2016
Transmission electron microscopy in life sciences
09 to 13 May 2016
ISM Golden Jubilee conference - The 50th annual meeting of the Israel society for microscopy
31 May to 02 June 2016
NanoInBio 2016
31 May to 05 June 2016
BIAMS International Workshop (Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors)
05 to 09 June 2016
Inter/Micro 2016
06 to 10 June 2016
ED-XPD Workshop 2016 - Combining Electron and X-ray Powder Diffraction Techniques for Structural Characterization
06 to 10 June 2016
2016 Annual conference of the Nordic Microscopy Society
07 to 10 June 2016
Organisers: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
1st International Conference on Nanoscopy
07 to 10 June 2016
Hands-on workshop microscopy data analysis with Python & HyperSpy
07 June 2016
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Global Material Science Research Seminar Series Analyzing Organic and Inorganic Materials
07 June 2016
Organizer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Analyzing Organic and Inorganic Materials
1st International Conference on Helium Ion Microscopy and Emerging Focused Ion Beam Technologies
08 to 10 June 2016
Imaging Life 2016
10 June 2016
29th International Symposium for Polymer Analysis and Characterization - ISPAC 2016
12 to 15 June 2016
EMBO course "Advanced Methods of Electron Microscopy in Cell Biology"
14 to 24 June 2016
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Global Material Science Research Seminar Series
16 June 2016
Organizer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Analyzing Organic and Inorganic Materials
4th International CryoTEM Workshop 2016
20 to 24 June 2016
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Global Material Science Research Seminar Series
21 June 2016
Organiser: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Analyzing Organic and Inorganic Materials
Computer optimized Microscopy: a practical image analysis course for live sciences
27 June to 01 July 2016
JEELS-2016 conference
28 to 30 June 2016
Webinar: Fluorescence Life Time Imaging Made Easy
28 June 2016
Dr. Gerhard Holst, Head of Research Department, PCO AG, Kelheim, Germany
Organizer: Wiley-VCH Verlag
Microscopy and Microanalysis in Materials and Life Sciences - 50th Meeting of the Portuguese Microscopy Society
29 and 30 June 2016
Scanning Probe Microscopy Meeting
06 and 07 July 2016
EMBO practical course on Correlative Light Electron Microscopy
10 to 15 July 2016
Ultrapath XVIII
11 to 15 July 2016
Biannual conference for ultrastructural pathology
Frontiers in BioImaging
14 and 15 July 2016
flowcytometry UK Meeting
20 to 22 July 2016
12th International Congress of Cell Biology
21 to 25 July 2016
ESRIC Super-Resolution Summer School 2016
08 to 12 August 2016
First CenErgy Summer School Announcement
14 to 26 August 2016
EMC 2016: Pre-Congress Training Courses EMC2016/Sfμ
25 to 27 August 2016
43rd Annual Meeting of SCUR (Society for Cutaneous Ultrastructure Research)
29 and 30 August 2016
New dates and location
[Monday afternoon from 2 PM to 7 PM and Tuesday whole day as a back-to-back / satellite meeting with the 16th EMC]
CINEMAXII PhD Summer school
29 August to 02 September 2016
3rd International Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Conference (LSFM2016)
31 August to 03 September 2016
Journal of Microscopy Free Author Workshops at emc2016
31 August and 01 September 2016
ToScA 2016 (Tomography for Scientific Advancement)
06 and 07 September 2016
RBSM Golden Jubilee Annual Meeting - The 50th year anniversary of the Royal Belgian Society for Microscopy
08 and 09 September 2016
LEEM/PEEM-10 Conference
11 to 15 September 2016
The 11th Polish-Japanese Joint Seminar on Micro and Nano Analysis
11 to 14 September 2016
RMS International Flow Cytometry Course
12 to 16 September 2016
MSE Congress - Symposium D01 - Advanced and In-Situ Microscopies and Spectroscopies of Functional Nanostructures in Materials Science and Engineering
27 to 29 September 2016
The symposium aims at providing a forum for researchers interested in applying advanced methods of electron microscopy and spectroscopy, including aberration-corrected electron microscopy and in situ-characterization in the various fields of microscopies, to materials research. Advanced microscopic and related spectroscopic techniques play a crucial role in characterizing the microstructure/nanostructures and the structure/property relationships of materials. Current topics will be highlighted in keynote presentations given by leading invited experts.
Enhancing your Image – How to colour EM images using Photoshop
28 September 2016
Microscopy: Advances, Innovation, Impact
30 September 2016
FIB & EM Prep User Group Meeting
05 October 2016
Quantitative Analysis of Grain Size Course
13 October 2016
SSOM Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy
18 to 21 October 2016
Deadline for abstract submission extended to 18.9.2016
Establishing & Providing Light Microscopy Core Facility Services
19 and 20 October 2016
Low-energy electrons: Lithography, Imaging, and Soft Matter (LEELIS-II)
10 and 11 November 2016
Laboratory Diagnosis of Haematological Malignancies
16 November 2016
Advances in Cell Engineering, Imaging and Screening. A VIB Tools and Technologies conference
17 and 18 November 2016
TissueGnostics symposium
17 to 20 November 2016
Our focus is on Advanced Digital Microscopy and Image Analysis, its role in revolutionizing clinical diagnostics and in implementing the personalized medicine concept. It is to provide insight in the state of research and technology in an invigorating and stimulating environment – a university seminar centre in Obergurgl (1.930 meters altitude) in the Tyrol, a stone´s throw from Italian Southern Tyrol province (if one can throw high enough over the surrounding peaks, many of which are in the 3.500 meter range).
Surrounded by the stunning mountain scenery of the university seminar centre in Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria, the congress will also be an excellent opportunity to get the essential information on our products and latest developments. We will be present with 3 demosystems and of course you will have the possibility to work with our TissueFAXS systems.We expect speakers from Singapore to the USA to Europe will provide the participants with elaborate information on the latest technology, the use of it and personal experiences from their workfields.
We invite authors to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations.
ImageJ workshops: 'Introduction to ImageJ/Fiji' & 'Writing macros in ImageJ'
12 and 13 December 2016
Light Microscopy Facility Managers Meeting
05 and 06 January 2017
EM-UK Facility Managers Meeting
13 January 2017
Basics of resin embedding and sectioning for electron microscopy
16 to 18 January 2017
Basics of cryosectioning and immunolabeling (Tokuyasu technique)
20 to 23 January 2017
Winterschool 2017: Practical Course in Advanced Microscopy
22 to 27 January 2017
NEUBIAS 2020 - Bioimage Analysis Symposium
15 to 17 February 2017
Microscopy Characterization of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces
23 and 24 February 2017
Cryogenic Preparation and Imaging Strategies for Soft Matter in Materials Science
23 February 2017
EBSD 2017
04 and 05 April 2017
Focus on Microscopy 2017
09 to 12 April 2017
30h International Conference on 3D Image Processing in Microscopy
29th International Conference on Confocal Microscopy
09 to 13 April 2017
Fourth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected
30 April to 04 May 2017
Organisation: Ernst Ruska-Centre in Jülich
HSM 2017 - Annual meeting of the Hungarian Society for Microscopy
11 to 13 May 2017
2 Slovene Microscopy Symposium
11 and 12 May 2017
EDGE 2017: Enhanced Data Generated by Electrons
14 to 19 May 2017
23th National Congress of Electron Microscopy (with international participation)
19 to 21 May 2017
Quantitative ELectron Microscopy school
22 May to 02 June 2017
ISM 2017 - 51st Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy
22 and 23 May 2017
17th International European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) Meeting
23 to 26 May 2017
CCEM Summer School on Electron Microscopy
05 to 09 June 2017
The Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy would like to announce its 2017 Summer School on Electron Microscopy.
Each year the Centre welcomes participants from around the world to the McMaster University campus in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada for an advanced school on electron microscopy.
The course runs over five days and aims to provide students with advice in solving characterization problems using advanced electron microscopy techniques. With the help of experts, users with experience in electron microscopy learn about the fundamentals of aberration-corrected imaging, electron energy loss spectroscopy, electron tomography, ultimate physical limits (beam damage and resolution) and the use of aberration-corrected electron microscopes.
There are many opportunities for hands-on training on the alignment and operation of the electron microscopes with experts from the microscope and spectrometer companies. Several hands-on data processing sessions are also organised.
For more information please go to: ccem.mcmaster.ca/outreach-courses
Royal Society Publishing photography competition 2017
07 June 2017
For your chance to win, simply submit a photograph that depicts aninteresting scientific phenomenon in one of the following categories:
Earth science and climatology
Ecology and environmental science
Submit your entry via photocompetition.royalsociety.org
3rd International TEM Spectroscopy Workshop in Materials Science
19 to 22 June 2017
It is designed for researchers from all branches of the materials sciences who are interested in how the TEM spectroscopy techniques, Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) and Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) can be employed in their understanding of the nanoscale.
The workshop starts at 14:00 on 19th June 2017 and consists of two days of lectures and a third day of laboratory sessions. Registration for the entire workshop costs 150 EUR for students and 200 EUR for researchers and includes the workshop dinner. Travel grants for students may be available.
Microscience Microscopy Congress 2017
03 to 06 July 2017
The Microscience Microscopy Congress, incorporating EMAG is returning to Manchester in the Summer of 2017.
mmc2017 will provide something for everyone with an interest in microscopy and imaging.
With an international 3 day conference consisting of six parallel sessions, a huge exhibition of over 100 companies plus a range of free training opportunities and extra satellite events and drop-in workshops, you can be sure that mmc2017 will enable you to return to the workplace with new skills, knowledge and expertise.
Growing on the success of previous mmc-series events, mmc2017 will include the annual meetings of the EMAG, Frontiers in Bioimaging, SPM, the Microscopy Society of Ireland and the Scottish Microscopy Group.
Abstract Submission and Registration is now open.
Submit your abstract at www.mmc-series.org.uk/abstracts
1st EUFN workshop (Former DACH Workshop) : general FIB and FIB applications
04 and 05 July 2017
Abstract application deadline: 30 April 2017
Crick Electron Microscopy Opening Symposium
12 and 13 July 2017
The Francis Crick Institute in London will host a symposium to celebrate the opening of the new Electron Microscopy Science Technology Platforms, with national and international invited speakers presenting the cutting edge in application of imaging technology to answer critical research questions, from molecules to whole organisms. The symposium will include presentations on new frontiers in imaging and big data analysis and will be accompanied by an interactive exhibition. The symposium will be followed by a day of hands-on workshops and demonstrations, using a wide range of the techniques and technologies housed in the new facilities.
Crick Electron Microscopy symposium
12 to 14 July 2017
Closing date for registrations is 21st June 2017.
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017 Meeting
06 to 10 August 2017
Call for abstracts: MFS-2017 Conference
05 to 08 September 2017
ToScA 2017
06 to 08 September 2017
This will be the 5th annual ToScA symposium addressing hard and soft tissue imaging, understanding materials in 3D, recent advances in hardware and software, and a broad range of applications in tomography. This international symposium will consist of keynote speakers, student talks, student poster presentations and an image competition. The symposium provides opportunity for open discussions, networking with researchers and commercial industry as well as a platform to engage in collaborations.
School on Advanced Analytical Electron Microscopy (SAAM) 2017
07 and 08 September 2017
12th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis (ECSIA)
11 to 14 September 2017
Abercrombie Meeting
11 to 14 September 2017
The 8th Abercrombie meeting will be held from 11-14 September 2017 in Oxford and will address the key, exciting new findings and emerging approaches in the study of cell migration across a range of biological contexts, both in vitro and in vivo. As well as providing an excellent platform for open and constructive discussions between researchers from world-leading labs.
Abstract Submission and Registration are now open.
RMS International Flow Cytometry Course
12 to 16 September 2017
21st EFUG meeting during ESREF : semiconductor and device applications of FIB
25 to 29 September 2017
International Symposium "In situ microscopy with electrons, X-rays and scanning probes"
09 October 2017
Registration deadline: 31st August 2017
Cryo Microscopy Group 2017 Meeting
15 November 2017
LM Facility Managers Meeting
04 and 05 January 2018
Flow Cytometry Facilities Meeting
10 and 11 January 2018
11 and 12 January 2018
Electron Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-inorganic Interfaces
22 and 23 February 2018
This meeting is dedicated to microscopy of materials comprised of both organic and inorganic constituents (in close proximity) and is aimed at bringing together experts from both the life science and materials science communities to address this challenging and increasingly important topic.
EBSD 2018
09 to 11 April 2018
This meeting, including hands-on workshops, will not only highlight recent technological advances in the field of EBSD and related instrumentation, but also showcase their applications to real-world problems in both the science & engineering disciplines.
Photonic and Optoelectronic Materials
09 and 10 April 2018
RMS Cryo EM Course
23 to 27 April 2018
Cryo Electron Microscopy was recently recognised with a Nobel Prize and this course is ideal for anyone new to this technique or those just looking to brush up on their existing skills. This residential course uses both lectures and practical demonstrations to cover topics including High Pressure Freezing, CryoSEM and CryoTEM.
28 to 30 May 2018
05 to 08 June 2018
Abstract Submission and registration are now open for the 18th meeting of the European Light Microscopy Initiative. The elmi meeting series combine a great mix of scientific talks and workshops to give you an insight into the latest developments from both academia and industry. The Core Facilities Meeting will be held on 5 June.
Atom Probe Tomography and Microscopy 2018 (APT&M 2018)
10 to 15 June 2018
JEELS 2018 : 11es Journées d'EELS
11 to 14 June 2018
IVSLA International School on Nanoscale Optical Microscopy
12 to 15 June 2018
The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy (ISM2018)
20 June 2018
SCANDEM Conference 2018
25 to 28 June 2018
RMS SPM Meeting
25 and 26 June 2018
Frontiers in BioImaging 2018
27 and 28 June 2018
Workshop on differential phase microscopy (DPC)
10 and 11 July 2018
Do you have a STEM equipped with a DPC detector? You are not sure what to do with it? How to acquire reasonable images? How to interpret what you got? Then you might be interested to attend a 2 day workshop on DPC. On the first day we will provide the basic information on differential phase contrast issues. We will address areas of application, limits of the technique and preconditions for operation. Another important point is the achievable sensitivity and how one may calibrate the measurements. During the second day you will get the chance to adjust the microscope and acquire your own images (you can bring your own specimens, if you like to). The acquired data will then be evaluated with our evaluation software in groups of two.
7th International Workshop on Focused Electron Beam-Induced Processing
10 to 13 July 2018
New extended deadlines:
- Abstract submission Deadline: 8 May (EXTENDED)
- Notification of Acceptance by 18 May (EXTENDED)
- Early-bird Registration Deadline: 28 May (EXTENDED)
- Late Registration Deadline: 15 June
- Abstract submission Deadline: 8 May (EXTENDED)
Princeton – Nature Conference: Frontiers in Electron Microscopy for the Physical and Life Sciences
11 to 13 July 2018
flowcytometryUK 2018
18 to 20 July 2018
EMAS 2018 - Microbeam Analysis in the Earth Sciences
04 to 07 September 2018
Imaging interactions with fluorescence: from the nano-to-macro scale
05 to 07 September 2018
19th International Microscopy Congress 2018
09 to 14 September 2018
10 to 12 September 2018
Cell and Tissue Mechanics in Physiology and Disease
20 September and 21 February 2018
Abstract and registration deadline: August 31st, 2018
EM-UK 2019
04 October 2018
The EM-UK community meetings are designed to be an open forum for discussion of the latest developments and challenges in the field, suitable for both academic and commercial microscopists. The meeting will include Techno Bites, talks, discussions about training, an evening meal and plenty of networking opportunities. Warwick boasts 3 separate EM facilities in Materials Science, Warwick Manufacturing Group and Life Sciences.
International Workshop on Advanced and In-situ Microscopies of Functional Nanomaterials and Devices
14 to 17 October 2018
Laboratory Diagnosis of Haematological Malignancies 2018
24 October 2018
International Meeting on Optical Biosensors
15 to 17 November 2018
High Content Imaging 2019
15 November 2018
High content imaging (HCI) involves automated collection and analysis of images to provide quantitative data on a range of functional and morphological changes in cells, spheroids or organoids. It has become widely used as a tool for, amongst other things, screening of drug candidates, fragments, RNAi and miR. This meeting is aimed at introducing the power of HCI to PhD students, early career researchers and academics who are new to HCI or would like to increase their understanding of the technique. It will cover experimental requirements, image collection techniques and analysis in high content imaging, as well as example applications for this approach. Major suppliers of HCI software and analysis will also demonstrate applications and uses of their software.
Transmission electron microscopy in life sciences - Practical Course
26 to 30 November 2018
The Scottish Microscopy Group's 46th Annual Symposium
05 December 2018
Smart NanoMaterials 2018: Advances, Innovation and Application
10 to 13 December 2018
HyperSpy Workshop at Delft 2018
10 and 11 December 2018
LM Facility Managers Meeting 2019
03 and 04 January 2019
Aimed at people running or working in light microscopy facilities. From very humble beginnings, we have grown to a much more significant and influential community of facility managers. Numbers of attendees have grown 10 fold since the first meeting in 2006 as more and more facilities have opened. We now represent one of the best organised facility groupings in the UK if not indeed the world. Following on from previous years, you can expect to find out more on the latest developments in UK Bioimaging and how we can feed in to wider international groups that are starting up. We will also discuss some of the basic elements (funding, impact measures) of running a core facility as well as the latest technological and application developments that effect ourselves and our users.
EM-UK 2019
07 and 08 January 2019
The EM-UK community meetings are designed to be an open forum for discussion of the latest developments and challenges in the field, suitable for both academic and commercial microscopists. The meeting will include Techno Bites, talks, discussions about training, an evening meal and plenty of networking opportunities. Warwick boasts 3 separate EM facilities in Materials Science, Warwick Manufacturing Group and Life Sciences.
Flow Cytometry Facilities Meeting 2019
08 and 09 January 2019
This flow cytometry facilities meeting is aimed at those managing or working in flow cytometry facilities. The sessions will be varied and based around ideas such as how core facilities interact with their institution, high-throughput and high dimensional techniques for data production, software approaches to deal with high dimensional data. Presentations will be given from those working in or using core facilities and our industry colleagues. There will be ample time in the programme for discussion and networking with participants.
13th Winter Conference of the ESMI on “Imaging the Biomechanics of Life“
13 to 18 January 2019
Digital electron diffraction: Workshop at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
15 January 2019
High Content Imaging 2019
12 February 2019
High content imaging (HCI) involves automated collection and analysis of images to provide quantitative data on a range of functional and morphological changes in cells, spheroids or organoids. It has become widely used as a tool for, amongst other things, screening of drug candidates, fragments, RNAi and miR. This meeting is aimed at introducing the power of HCI to PhD students, early career researchers and academics who are new to HCI or would like to increase their understanding of the technique. It will cover experimental requirements, image collection techniques and analysis in high content imaging, as well as example applications for this approach. Major suppliers of HCI software and analysis will also demonstrate applications and uses of their software.
Microscopy characterisation of organic-inorganic interfaces-2019
07 and 08 March 2019
The meeting is dedicated to microscopy of materials comprised of both organic and inorganic constituents in close proximity and is aimed at bringing togeth erexperts from both the life science and materials science communities to address this challenging and increasingly important topic. Different approaches such as the application of correlative microscopy solutions, low-voltage and cryogenic electron microscopy techniques, methods for fast acquisition and many more are discussed during the meeting in the context of studying hybrid materials.
This year’s Focus Lecture Series (second day) is dedicated to "Advances in imaging beam sensitive materials in the transmission electron microscope” and co-organized by Prof. Dr. Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. The Focus lectures will cover topics that include the use of novel imaging modes in both TEM and scanning TEM to image electron beam sensitive materials, as well as computational approaches for extracting quantitative information from both images and diffraction patterns.
14th European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM 2019
19 to 22 March 2019
Symposium "Correlative and in situ microscopy in materials research"
01 to 04 April 2019
21st International Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials (MSM-XXI)
09 to 12 April 2019
Botanical Microscopy 2019
14 to 18 April 2019
The 11th running of the International Botanical Meeting will in 2019 be held in the new lecture/conference facilities at Oxford Brookes University with accommodation in the famous Queen’s College, Oxford. As in recent meetings there will be 7 or 8 lead speakers and the rest of the programme will be chosen from offered talks. To attract postgraduate students to participate, a number of bursaries will be available alongside reduced registration fees. Topics will as ever be a mix of state-of-the art microscopy combined with the latest developments in plant cell biology, including organelle dynamics, nuclear structure and function, and autophagy. Planned associated activities will include a Zeiss/RMC sponsored workshop on 3-D imaging technologies, a trip round the museum of the History of Science (the world’s first public museum and home to the RMS microscope collection) and a tour of the famous Oxford Botanical Gardens. We welcome you all to the famous University City of Oxford.
PICO 2019 - Fifth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopyy
05 to 09 May 2019
The meeting will address recent advances in methods and applications for the study of structural and electronic properties of solids by the application of advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques in materials science.
16 May 2019 to 05 April 2020
Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging Official Opening
17 May 2019
Professor Roland Fleck and CUI team would like to invite you to celebrate the renovation and reequip of CUI at King’s College London on the 17thof May 2019. We are organising a full day seminar highlighting current and emerging opportunities provided by electron microscopy in the life sciences. Speakers will address major life science topics as well as translating physical science advances in instrumentation and imaging to life science challenges. The symposium will be open to King’s staff and External delegates.
Speakers include Professor Richard Henderson, Professor Dwayne Miller, Professor Angus Kirkland, Professor Pete Nellist, Professor Mark Green, Professor Juan Burrone, Professor Helen Saibil and Professor Wah Chiu.
We hope you will be able to attend and look forward to seeing you in London.
EMAS 2019 - 16th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis
19 to 23 May 2019
89th IUVSTA workshop: Biological and Soft Matter Sample Preparation for High Resolution Imaging by High Vacuum Techniques
19 to 24 May 2019
Annual Conference of HSM / Hungarian Society for Microscopy
23 to 25 May 2019
Advanced quantitative transmission electron microscopy: materials research in several dimensions
27 to 31 May 2019
The abstract deadline is January 21 2019.
We are looking forward to your contribution and to a vivid exchange of ideas between the electron microscopy and materials science communities.
Workshop on "Electrochemistry in Liquid TEM andon Orientation/Phase Mapping in Liquid"
27 to 29 May 2019
Ultrastructure and Skin Imaging in the Era of Global Dermatology-46th Annual Meeting 2019 SCUR@WCD
10 June 2019
Abstract submission deadline extended to April 25th!
EMAT Workshop on Transmission Electron Microscopy
11 to 21 June 2019
A complete training on HRTEM and TEM spectroscopy focused on hands-on experience. A state-of-the-art training in Transmission Electron Microscopy at the highest level is provided. Lectures will be given by staff members of the EMAT research group and special topics are covered by guest lecturers. The main focus of the workshop is to provide practical experience with a broad range of TEM instruments. We offer the choice between 3 different modules, “High resolution TEM” , “TEM Spectroscopy” and “In situ TEM”, preceded by a workshop on “Basic TEM”. Confirmed speakers: Sandra Van Aert (University of Antwerp, BE) Sara Bals (University of Antwerp, BE) Joost Batenburg (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, NL) Armand Béché (University of Antwerp, BE) Dirk van Dyck (University of Antwerp, BE) Rolf Erni (EMPA, CH) Marc De Graef (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Werner Grogger (TU Graz, A) Thomas Hansen (Technical Univ. Denmark, DK) Marijn van Huis (University of Utrecht, NL) Hosni Idrissi (UC Louvain, BE) Joke Hadermann (University of Antwerp, BE) Knut Müller-Caspary (Forschungszentrum Jülich, DE) Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (University of Antwerp, BE) Jo Verbeeck (University of Antwerp, BE) Qiang Xu (DensSolutions)
IVSLA International School on Nanoscale Optical Microscopy
11 to 14 June 2019
Perspectives in Electron Microsopy
21 June 2019
Microscience Microscopy Congress 2019 (MMC2019)
01 to 04 July 2019
Crick EM Symposium: Focus on Correlative Imaging Across Scale
15 and 16 July 2019
2nd Catania Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy school: conventional and counting EELS
22 to 25 July 2019
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019 (M&M 2019)
04 to 08 August 2019
CenErgy 2019 - International PhD Summer School
12 and 13 August 2019
Microscopy Conference MC2019
01 to 05 September 2019
01 to 05 September 2019
Symposium on “Microscopy at the forefront of nanostructured materials characterization and correlation with modelling”(Symposium D2).
Keynote and highlight presentations will be given by prominent speakers.
The abstract submission deadline is January 31st, 2019.
To submit your abstract, please click the following link: http://euromat2019.fems.eu/abstracts-submission
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you there!
Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science (MFS2019)
11 to 13 September 2019
Cryo-EM Beyond The Nobel
16 to 20 September 2019
There can be no doubt that Cryo-(T)EM is a hot topic following the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for its development. In fact many cryo-techniques have been around for over 40 years and are in use in both academic and industrial settings being applied to a full range of soft matter and materials samples beyond single particle analysis of proteins. This course looks to educate scientists and engineers to the full range of cryo-techniques, who are looking to characterise, analyse and understand structure / function of their samples where stabilisation of volatiles (often water) is required. Topics covered are expected to include:
- Sample preparation / stabilisation (high-pressure freezing / plunge freezing)
- Freeze-substitution / ultramicrotomy
- Cryo-fluorescence microscopy / correlative microscopy
- Cryo-TEM
- Cryo-SEM / Cryo-FIB-SEM
- Cryo X-Ray microscopy
The course will be delivered by an international group of world-renowned speakers, staff from the NMRC, Nottingham and representatives from many commercial partners. The course is a mix of both lecture style presentations and hands-on practical sessions, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and explore the range of cryo-techniques on offer. By the end of the week attendees will have a good understanding of cryo-principles and appropriate usage of cryo-techniques as well as developing a network of contacts for the future.
You can book here: https://www.rms.org.uk/discover-engage/event-calendar/cryo-em-beyond-the-nobel.html
16th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium
23 to 25 September 2019
Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy
01 to 04 October 2019
Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy
01 to 04 October 2019
EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Seeing is Believing - Imaging the Molecular Processes of Life
09 to 12 October 2019
10 to 13 October 2019
Abstract submission deadline: 15 September 2019Early registration deadline: 01 October 2019
Dynamic in-situ microscopy relating structure and function
21 and 22 October 2019
Dynamic in-situ microscopy relating structure and function
21 and 22 October 2019
International Workshop on Advanced and In-situ Microscopies of Functional Nanomaterials and Devices,
27 to 30 October 2019
EBSD 2020
31 October 2019
Netherlands Electron Microscopy Infrastructure Meeting
06 November 2019
For further information about meeting registration, please contact Mima Malcicka {the NEMI Project Manager) at (miriama.malcicka@ffund.nl)
Resin Electron Microscopy
15 to 17 January 2020
Cryosectioning and Immuno-Electron Microscopy
20 to 23 January 2020
Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy Gordon Research Conference
26 to 31 January 2020
26th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis
16 to 20 February 2020
This conference will be about bringing together colleagues from life sciences and physical sciences and working together towards new visions and goals in microscopy, with a programme based on advances in electron and light microscopy and microscopy-enabled research in life sciences and physical sciences.
The 4th Network of EUropean BioImage AnalystS Conference & Symposium
29 February to 06 March 2020
The NEUBIAS conference is a forum to exchange the newest findings, applications, and cutting-edge developments in Bioimage Analysis, machine learning, data mining, and storage. European Bioimage Analysts organize this event bringing together an international, interdisciplinary community of about 250 leading scientists in the life and computer sciences. The 3-days Symposium reflects the need to foster the networking between image analysis Developers and their end-users.
15th European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM 2020
24 to 27 March 2020
EBSD 2020
21 and 22 April 2020
The Ultrapath 2020 meeting
07 to 12 June 2020
Dear members of the EMS,
Coming summer, we will organize a EM-pathology meeting in Amsterdam. The Ultrapath 2020 meeting is an international meeting organized for the 20st time. A group of scientists working in pathology using Electron Microscopy will come together to exchange knowledge.
07 to 12 June 2020
Sharing knowledge in Electron Microscopy in the diagnosis and research of human diseases & integration with immunohistochemistry and molecular techniques, and genetics
Venue and meeting/course program pending.
CLEM Microscopy Workshop
08 to 12 June 2020
Cryo Electron Microscopy Course 2020
15 to 19 June 2020
CIME Summer Workshop on STEM 2020
21 to 26 June 2020
CIME Summer Workshop is an intensive 5-day workshop that includes lectures as well as hands-on trainings concerning different STEM imaging and spectroscopy techniques. The workshop will cover fundamentals of STEM, basic and advanced STEM imaging (ABF, ADF, iDPC, and 4D STEM), aberration-corrected STEM imaging and simulation, as well as acquisition and analysis of electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) data. The event will finish with a full-day HyperSpy workshop. The students will be provided with the several opportunities for hands-on training on the transmission electron microscopes, including a ThermoScientific aberration-corrected Titan Themis. All practical sessions will be guided by electron microscopy experts of EPFL. The students will also have the chance to consult the experts about their materials and research questions.
Electron Microscopy Summer School 2020
29 June to 03 July 2020
Light Microscopy Summer School 2020
06 to 08 July 2020
Microscopy Enabled by Direct Electron Detection
06 to 08 July 2020
EMAG 2020: Microscopy Enabled by Direct Electron Detection-virtual event
06 to 08 July 2020
8th International Workshop on Focused Electron Beam-Induced Processing (FEBIP)
08 to 10 July 2020
17th European Microscopy Congress - Virtual meeting
23 to 28 August 2020
CINEMAX VI PhD Summer school
23 to 27 August 2020
You get the chance to get teaching and hands on experience with the complete workflow of high-resolution tomography analysis.
Over 5 days, you will get introduced to data acquisition, 3D reconstruction, segmentation and meshing and, finally, 3D modelling of data to extract physical parameters describing mechanical and flow properties. The teaching and the exercises will take place in close interaction with top experts in the field. Exercises will require some basic programming skills, and will be carried out in a common python environment, introduced through an e-learning program that the students are required to follow before the school (Introduction to Advanced Tomography on Coursera).
15th European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM 2020 Date: 24th – 28th August 2020 With subsequent full access until 6th September 2020 Virtual Edition
24 to 28 August 2020
Workshop on Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanostructures
03 September 2020
Web-based workshop, with invited talks on different applied microscopy and spectroscopy techniques.
C02: Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy for Materials Science Symposium
22 to 25 September 2020
Material Science and Engineering Congress
22 to 25 September 2020
28 September 2020
RMS AFM & SPM Meeting 2020
03 and 04 November 2020
Microscopy: Advances, Innovation, Impact 2020 - incorporating the RMS AGM & Section AGMs
16 November 2020
Frontiers in BioImaging 2020
17 and 18 November 2020
Virtual Frontiers in BioImaging 2020
17 and 18 November 2020
Virtual European Microscopy Congress 2020
24 to 26 November 2020
Following the cancellation of emc2020, this virtual meeting will provide an opportunity for Early Career Scientists who would have attended and presented at the congress, to still present their work at an International Meeting this year.
Virtual Early Career European Microscopy Congress 2020
24 to 26 November 2020
Workshop on electron crystallography
17 December 2020
December the 17th, 2020
2020 was a particular year, keeping communication on the scientific scene on an extremely low level. We, therefore, decided to fill the information gap and organize a short workshop for keeping the community alive and updated on the progress in the field of electron crystallography.
The list of topics to cover includes:
- 3D electron diffraction – data acquisition, processing, applications in diverse fields of materials science
- Serial crystallography
- In-situ electron crystallography
- Inelastic and multiple scattering of electrons
- Low dose data acquisition...
Microscopy Society of Ireland 2021 virtual symposium
06 to 08 January 2021
deadline for abstract submission to 11th December 2020
ISM Virtual Art Exhibition 2021
10 January 2021
Volume Imaging Symposium
16 to 19 February 2021
Virtual Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces 2021
11 and 12 March 2021
Focus on Microscopy 2021 - FOM2021 online, March 28-31, 2021
28 March 2021
EBSD 2021
20 and 21 April 2021
The annual gathering draws together the whole Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) community, including leading international research scientists and engineers, early career researchers, and students to highlight the latest developments, from technique development through to applications.
The EBSD meeting will take place in a virtual format.
We are anticipating contributions that range in scope spanning the geoscience, materials science & engineering, and mechanical engineering disciplines, as well as emerging applications from the biological communities. Talks will likely include state-of-the-art developments in instrumentation, new software algorithms, and new techniques developments, as well as the use of EBSD, transmission Kikuchi diffraction, electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI) and related microscopy modalities. Additionally, we anticipate hearing applications driven talks which engage these approaches to reveal new insight into the microstructure of materials systems in emerging scientific applications and industrial challenges, particularly the use of EBSD data in Industry 4.0.
The meeting will be preceded in the mornings, by one of two optional workshops, for both advanced and novice users. The advanced course, delivered by Prof João Fonseca’s group at the University of Manchester, focusses on the use and understanding of High-Resolution Digital Image Correlation (HRDIC) combined with EBSD, centred on technical requirements and the underlying principles of post-processing data analysis. The novice course, delivered by Prof Brad Wynne, focusses on understanding what is under the hood of your EBSD software, with particular emphasis on maximising the potential of your EBSD data both before acquiring your data and during its analysis.
PICO 2021 - Sixth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopyy
02 to 06 May 2021
QEM 2021 (5th edition) - Quantitative Electron Microscopy
09 to 21 May 2021
16 to 20 May 2021
European Light Microscopy Initiative 2021
22 to 25 June 2021
The European Light Microscopy Initiative was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment. Its aim is to promote the quickly developing field of light microscopy as a fundamental research tool for the life sciences and to strengthen the channels of communication between researchers, core facilities and industry.
The annual meeting, which has been running for two decades at various venues across Europe, has an excellent reputation within the microscopy community, making this meeting a key event in the calendar of hundreds of scientists and developers. The strength of this meeting lies in the mixture of scientific lectures on state-of-the-art, high-end microscopy combined with “hands-on” workshops and exhibition of the latest technology, organized by the leading companies in the field.
Due to the current situation, the 2021 meeting will take place the first time in a virtual format. We will do our best to maintain the unique format as well as possible. The focus of the scientific sessions is on leading edge developments and its implementation to life science.
Microscience Microscopy Congress 2021
05 to 09 July 2021
Microscopy Conference 2021 Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung & Multinational Congress on Microscopy
22 to 26 August 2021
16th European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM 2021
24 to 27 August 2021
Joint Meeting JEELS 2020 and Arbeitskreistreffen EF&EELS
30 August to 02 September 2021
Joint Meeting JEELS 2020 and Arbeitskreistreffen EF&EELS
From 30 August to 2 September 2021 a joint meeting JEELS 2020 and
Arbeitskreistreffen EF&EELS will take place in Münster (Germany).
Due to the pandemic situation we are preparing a hybrid meeting.
Topics planned:
- Electron spectroscopies (EELS, EDX, CL, …)
- Advanced Instrumentation, signal and image processing
- Low-energy excitations
- Theory applied to electron spectroscopies
- New spectroscopies (time resolved, vortex beams, …)
Further details and the registration form can be found on the website
EUROMAT 2021: European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes
12 to 16 September 2021
“1st International Microscopy and Spectroscopy Congress-MSC21’’ and “25th National Electron Microscopy Congress-EMK 21’’
22 to 24 September 2021
Microscopy and Microanalysis in Geological and Archaeological Sciences
09 and 10 November 2021
The International Microscopy Lecture Series
14 December 2021 to 18 January 2022
This initiative is a collaborative undertaking by three international Microscopy Societies (the Microscopical Society of Canada, the Israel Society for Microscopy and the Royal Microscopical Society).The next online live lecture is taking place on Tuesday 9 November 16:00 GMT / 11:00 EST / 18:00 IST. Professor Joachim Frank will be giving a lecture entitled "Cryo-EM of Biomolecules – A Cold Look at the Building Blocks of Life".Ahead of the lecture we have made available an interview between Professor Joachim Frank and Dr Yaser Hashem which can be found on our https://www.rms.org.uk/rms-event-calendar/2021-events/imfls-professor-joachim-frank.htmlTo book on this free event and future lectures please go to the RMS website and register for an account and then book on the event. Professor Sir Peter Hirsch event two weeks ago is now available to watch on our website.The next lectures will take place on:Tuesday 14 December 2021 16:00 GMT / 11:00 EST / 18:00 IST with Professor Ray Egerton on "Analytical Electron Microscopy - An Art of the Possible"Tuesday 18 January 2022 16:00 GMT / 11:00 EST / 18:00 IST with Professor Ricardo Henriques on "Open technologies for Super-Resolution and Machine Learning in BioImaging"For further details and to book on these events please visit our websitehttps://www.rms.org.uk/network-collaborate/the-international-microscopy-lecture-series.html
Microscopy Conference 2023
26 February to 02 March 2022
It is our great pleasure to officially invite you to the Microscopy Conference 2023, which will take place in Darmstadt, from February 26 to March 2, 2023.
We are very pleased that MC2023 will take place as a face-to-face event after the necessary restrictions due to the Corona pandemic. As in previous conferences of the German Society for Electron Microscopy (DGE), the MC2023 brings together leading experts and emerging young researchers to share their expertise and discuss current trends as well as newly discovered findings. Be a part of this exciting event and submit your scientific work via
www.microscopy-conference.de until July 31, 2022.Apart from a new date, this time at the beginning of the year, the scientific programme of the conference will again focus on the latest research in materials science, life sciences and instrumentation and methods. Each main theme is divided into seven thematic sessions covering invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions. Plenary lectures, award ceremonies, an industrial exhibition as well as the conference dinner will complement the programme.
We are looking forward to a stimulating scientific and social event and to welcoming you in Darmstadt, the city of science and art nouveau!
Virtual Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces 2022
01 and 02 March 2022
The 6th Microscopy Characterisation of Organic–Inorganic Interfaces (MCOII) meeting will again be hosted virtually, but it will keep the main goals and aspirations of all the previous editions. We will use the advantages of the virtual format and this time not only connect experts from different branches of the microscopy community (the life sciences and materials science) but also bridge two continents in a joint discussion on the challenging but increasingly important topic of studying hybrid organic–inorganic materials.
The transatlantic scientific organiser team of Nadja V. Tarakina (MPIKG, Germany) and Lena F. Kourkoutis (Cornell University, USA) have put together an exciting two-day programme. As usual, the first day will be more general, covering a broad range of microscopy approaches (correlative microscopy solutions, in-situ gas and liquid microscopy methods, low-voltage electron microscopy and many more) in the context of imaging hybrid and soft matter.
On the second day, the special Focus Lecture Series will provide an in-depth view on "Advances in Analytical Cryo-Electron Microscopy: From sample preparation to data acquisition to data analysis”. Cryo-electron microscopy has transformed life sciences by enabling the structure of macromolecules to be imaged down to the atomic scale. Recent developments in instrumentation and techniques have opened new opportunities for scientific discovery not only in life sciences but also in physical sciences and in areas where the two fields intersect. This lecture series will bring together world-leading experts in analytical electron microscopy, highlighting the latest achievements, new opportunities and outstanding challenges in probing beam-sensitive and hybrid materials and their interfaces.
Virtual Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Course 7 – 10 March 2022 and Clinical Module 14 March 2022
07 to 10 March 2022
This course, which will run over four half-days from Monday 7 March to Thursday 10 March 2022, plus one optional additional Clinical Module on Monday 14 March 2022. The course will cover the basics of analysis for a number of different applications including antibody phenotyping, DNA and cell cycle kinetics, cell proliferation and death, and functional studies. There will also be the opportunity to explore high-dimensional analysis using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.
The 11th Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology
10 to 12 March 2022
Virtual Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Course Spring 2022 – Clinical Module
14 March 2022
This course, which will run over four half-days from Monday 7 March to Thursday 10 March 2022, plus one optional additional Clinical Module on Monday 14 March 2022. The course will cover the basics of analysis for a number of different applications including antibody phenotyping, DNA and cell cycle kinetics, cell proliferation and death, and functional studies. There will also be the opportunity to explore high-dimensional analysis using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.
Pre-recorded lectures will be provided in advance of the meeting with live small group practical sessions in the afternoons. It will run in the afternoon UK time to make it more accessible to those in other time zones (14:00 GMT/15:00 CET/09:00 EST). The Clinical Module on Monday 14 March 2022 will be a full day UK time (09:00 GMT/10:00 CET/04:00 EST).Delegates will be able to use data files (which will be provided) and follow along with directed analysis by the course demonstrators. Analysis will be performed in either FlowJo or FCS Express and Applications specialists will also form part of the demonstrator team.This course is open to all and is suitable for those who are relatively new to flow cytometry and who wish to expand their experience with applications and specific analysis.
Virtual EBSD
12 and 13 April 2022
The EBSD 2022 meeting will be held in a virtual format. The meeting will be live, with the main meeting on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 April 2022 at 13:00 BST/08:00 EDT/14:00 CEST/05:00 PDT.We have selected this format to encourage participation from the global electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) community and to support engagement from a wide range of participants, as well as reflecting on the on-going challenges related to the global COVID-19 pandemic.Our two “half-day” meeting will encourage sharing the latest developments and applications of EBSD-related microscopy methods. In this virtual format, we will also encourage clusters of researchers to independently register for the meeting, but where reasonable to host cluster-viewing at their host institution.The Annual UK-based EBSD meeting is an opportunity for the EBSD community to meet and share new developments and applications of EBSD, as well as related techniques that are commonly used to explore samples and materials within the geoscience, materials science & engineering, physics, and emerging applications from the biological communities. Talks will likely include state-of-the-art developments in instrumentation, new software developments, new techniques, as well as applications and use of EBSD, transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD), electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI), and related microscopy modalities.As part of this series, we continue to be excited to hear from those who use these techniques to further the understanding of applied science and engineering challenges, as well as industrial challenges (including the use of EBSD data in Industry 4.0).
Cryo Microscopy Group
14 April 2022
2022 is the first in person meeting since the global pandemic. The meeting aims to reconnect old friends and new members to the group, while catching us up on what has been happening in the UK in the past two years.
The event is to be hosted by the Nanoscale and Microscale Research Centre (nmRC) and held in the nearby School of Chemistry
For information on traveling to the University and directions to the School of Chemistry follow this link
A Map to the nmRC (Bulding 53) and School of Chemistry (Building 28) can be found here.
Virtual Huygens Imaging Workshop
20 and 21 April 2022
Regardless whether you’re imaging with a widefield, confocal, or super-resolution microscope (STED, Airyscan, PALM/STORM), all optical images suffer from artifacts. If you are interested in identifying and correcting these to produce high-quality and reliable results, then this workshop may interest you. We’ll discuss the imaging process, acquisition pitfalls such as spherical aberration, undersampling, photon noise and the Point Spread Function, and how to solve these imaging issues. Topics also include deconvolution, restoration, visualization, and the importance of reliable quantitative analysis.
Annual Conference of the Hungarian Society for Microscopy
05 to 07 May 2022
4th Slovene Microscopy symposium
12 and 13 May 2022
Slovene Society for Microscopy proudly announces the 4th Slovene Microscopy Symposium, to be held on May 12th-13th in hotel Convent, Ankaran. More information can be found on the event web page, https://mikroskopsko-drustvo.si/posvet. The goal of the symposium is to bring together the emerging young researchers and the experts applying different microscopic techniques in the fields of life sciences, material science and industry. We cordially invite you to join us on the Slovenian coast for two days of great lectures, beautiful posters and fun social events.
ISM2022 - The 55th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy
16 and 17 May 2022
The 55th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy will be held on Tuesday May 17th, 2022 at the Sammy Ofer Stadium, Haifa.
The meeting will be preceded by a one day tutorial workshop on the topic of Super-resolution electron microscopy on Monday May 16th, 2022 at the Technion.
Electron Microscopy Course powered by INL
16 to 20 May 2022
INL has the pleasure to invite you for the 2022 edition of the Electron Microscopy Course, a programme focused on theoretical and practical training on imaging, spectroscopy and diffraction. The five-day course presents a set of well-curated contents to explore the principles, operation and techniques of scanning and transmission electron microscopy.
4th Croatian Microscopy Congress
18 to 20 May 2022
Croatian Microscopy Society (CMS) and the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb (RBI) cordially invite you to participate in the 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress (CMC 2022) that will be held in Poreč, Croatia from 18th- 20th May 2022. We are excited to share with you that this edition of the Congress will also mark the 30th anniversary of the Croatian Microscopy Society. The Congress is jointly organized by the Croatian Microscopy Society and the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb (RBI) Croatia's leading scientific institute in the natural and biomedical sciences as well as marine and environmental research. The CMC 2022 will bring together nearly 100 researchers, industry representatives, and exhibitors from the Region and Europe, focusing on the recent methodological developments in microscopy and applications of the electron, light, and scanning probe microscopy in Biomedicine, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry of Materials, and related research fields. It will include invited, oral and poster presentations as well as industrial exhibitions. The CMC 2022 is taking place in Poreč, a city located in the heart of the western coast of the Istrian peninsula, in Istria County. The city is almost 2,000 years old, as can be seen by the remains of ancient temples and forums spread throughout the old city centre. The most valuable and recognizable cultural and historical monument is the Euphrasian Basilica, present on the UNESCO World Heritage List, dating back to the 6th century. We look forward to seeing you at the 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress. Suzana Šegota, chair of the Scientific Committee and Danijela Poljuha, Chair of the Organizing Committee
Symposium : Advanced Nanoscale Characterization of Materials and Processes
06 to 10 June 2022
Will be held at the NANO 2022 - 16th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials.
Cryo Electron Microscopy Course
06 to 10 June 2022
The popular Cryo Electron Microscopy course will return for 2022, with additional new content not included previously. Covering both theoretical and practical aspects of sample preparation and cryo EM techniques, this residential course is ideal for anyone new to cryo EM, but can also be attended by those wanting to refresh their existing skills.
COURSE: Resin Electron Microscopy
08 to 10 June 2022
The 3 day workshop on resin electron microscopy (EM), in which the entire EM procedure from (live) specimen to imaging stained ultrathin resin sections will be covered from start to finish.Registration deadline : May 20th 2022
EBEAM2022: school on nanooptics with free electrons 2022
11 June 2022
Electron optics and spectroscopy instrumentation developments in the last 20 years have considerably widened the range of applicability of electron beam techniques to nano-optics: meV beam energy spread, single atoms imaging capabilities, electron wavefunction shaping, fs pump probe experiments, and efficient light coupling to and from samples are a reality. This has enabled the study of a variety of excitations (plasmons, phonons, excitons...) at extreme spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions. Therefore, new theories have blossomed to explain exciting results coming from electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), cathodoluminescence (CL) and photon induced near-filed electron microscopy (PINEM), and central concepts of nanooptics or quantum optics have been shown to be applicable to electron-based spectroscopies.
For this reason, it is high time for a school aiming at spreading knowledge about these new concepts and techniques and at fomenting the interest of a new generation of academics in this blooming field. That is the object of the eBEAM school focused on electron spectroscopies for nano-optics.
Courses will cover: the basics of electron instrumentation and spectroscopies; electron-matter-light interaction; electron spectroscopies of optical material; time, space, and quantum coherence in electron spectroscopy; advanced EELS and CL; photoemission etc.
Course: Cryosectioning and Immuno-electron microscopy
13 to 16 June 2022
The 4 day workshop on Cryo-sectioning and Immuno- Electron Microscopy (EM) is meant for people willing to learn cryo-sectioning and Tokuyasu Technique for immune-EM. Experience in resin sectioning is not necessary, but is definitely an advantage. This workshop is hands-on in nature, although some topics will be also covered with lectures. The entire EM procedure from (live) specimen to imaging immuno-labeled ultrathin sections will be covered from start to finish. You will have the chance to use most of the workshop time in the lab working with standard specimens like cultured cells or tissues. Besides managing the ultra-cryo-microtome, the preparation of EM tools and other necessities will be covered.
We provide an excellent learning environment. When manual skills like ultrathin sectioning of resin blocks are being trained the participants will have their own ultra-cryo-microtome (often equipped with a camera) to practice on. The number of participants is limited to 12 people. We will provide you with a practical manual and detailed protocols covering the topics of the workshop.
FIT4NANO* *FIB summer school
20 to 24 June 2022
The *FIT4NANO* *FIB summer school *is being organized by the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ISI) and CEITEC Brno University of Technology (CEITEC BUT). The school will take place from 20-24 June in Brno, Czech Republic. Applications can be submitted until *12 May 2022* at https://fit4nano.eu/summer-school-2022/
Successful candidates will receive a travel grant to cover their costs.
ESTEEM3 Worksop : Electron diffraction for solving engineering problems
21 to 23 June 2022
A workshop on Electron diffraction for solving engineering problems will be organized at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway, 21.-23. June 2022.
This year’s workshop will focus on how we can use electron diffraction in TEM and SEM –how to deal with ‘real’ materials, the possibilities given by better cameras, and post processing and data analysis on how to get the most out of your results. In these three days’ workshop, invited experts and skilled educators in this field will address the essentials and the latest developments through lecture, computer exercise and hands-on practical sessions using the NORTEM infrastructure in Trondheim.
Lectures will cover different qualitative and quantitative methods in electron diffraction and how it can be used for engineering problems.We start every morning with lectures. In the afternoons, experiment demos on the TEMs and computer practices on data analysis will be given. We will teach how to use various open-source scientific python packages to analyze diffraction data. If (because of Covid) physical presence will be difficult, the workshop will be transferred to digital, with lectures and computer exercises.
We invite PhD students, postdocs and researchers working with TEM and SEM in the physical sciences to participate!
Confirmed invited speakers and course leaders
- Paul Midgley, Cambridge University, UK
- Stefan Zaefferer, MPI Düsseldorf, Germany
- Tina Bergh, NTNU, Norway
Local staff (Håkon Wiik Ånes, Emil Frang Christiansen and Magnus Nord) will participate in running computer exercises.
Each day there will be lectures from 09 to 11, lunch and discussions from 11 to 13 and lab/computer exercises between 13 and 16.
Register for the ESTEEM3 Workshop in Trondheim
Participation is free, but you have to register before 1 June 2022.
There will be a maximum of 24 participants in the afternoon practice sessions. In case of large interest, priority will be given to early career scientists active in the field.
Frontiers in BioImaging 2022
05 and 06 July 2022
Frontiers in Bioimaging 2022 will focus on the latest developments in optical and electron microscopy as well as image analysis. Sessions will cover novel technical developments and applications of these microscopy-based approaches to key cell and molecular biology questions with an overarching aim to bring insights on how they participate in our understanding of human health and disease. We aim to provide an environment where early-careers and established researchers can meet and engage with a broad range of imaging approaches and to make valuable contacts with leading groups in the field.
We will be accepting abstracts for both oral and poster contributions. This event will also have opportunities for companies to exhibit and sponsor.
Biennial EMAG Conference 2022
05 to 07 July 2022
EMAG 2022 is the biennial focused meeting of the EMAG group of the IOP and will be held at Imperial College London. During this meeting, we will also be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the EMAG annual IOP electron microscopy conference. This section of the event will be held at the Institute of Physics headquarters. The meeting will focus on multidimensional electron microscopy research.
Distinguished invited speakers will present recent advances in multidimensional electron microscopy research, alongside contributed oral presentations, flash talks and poster sessions. EMAG conferences are valued in particular for providing a platform for students to present their work, alongside more established researchers, in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. A table-top trade exhibition will also be held for delegates to explore the latest advances in electron microscopy instrumentation and software.
Focused Charge Particle Week
11 to 15 July 2022
The event is organized by The Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology of the AGH UST University in Krakow under the Honorary Patronage of AGH UST Rector. The week opens with the new fit4nano Cost Action related workshop series on focused ion technology for nanomaterials. It is followed by the 8th FEBIP workshop of the Focused-Electron-Beam-Induced-Processing community in their series of regular two-yearly meetings held since 2006.
FIT4NANO workshop and working groups meeting
11 to 13 July 2022
This year’s *FIT4NANO workshop and working groups meeting* (https://fit4nano.eu/workshop-2022/) is taking place from *11-13 July in Krakow*, Poland and is organized by the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Registration and abstract submission are now open! The *abstract submission deadline is 31 May.* Limited travel grants will be available to FIT4NANO members. We’re hoping to see many of you in Krakow!
Challenges in biological cryo electron microscopy: Faraday Discussion
13 to 15 July 2022
flowcytometryUK 2022
20 to 22 July 2022
This meeting will consist of themed plenary sessions with talks from invited speakers. There will also be parallel scientific workshops organised by members of the cytometry community and parallel commercial workshops. There will be a large exhibition and the opportunity to network with flow and image cytometrists from all over Europe and beyond. The meeting will highlight advances in flow and image instrumentation, high content screening, cancer and stem cell biology, applications of clinical cytometry and the development of novel probes and approaches in many areas of biomedical research. (This is the new date for the postponed 2020 event).
Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M)
31 July to 04 August 2022
16th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
28 to 31 August 2022
On behalf of the Society for Histochemistry, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 16th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry in August 28 – 31, 2022, Prague, Czechia. Although the Congress had to be postponed twice due to COVID-19 pandemic, we deeply appreciate your lasting interest in this event, which brings the worldwide histochemists together to exchange information, closely cooperate and contribute to scientific progress.
European FIB Network - 5th EuFN Workshop
30 August to 02 September 2022
This year, we will host the event at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg, from Aug. 30th until Sept. 2nd. We aim for a similar reach on the 100-150 participants of key FIB users mostly within Europe, and will invite 3-5 keynote speakers globally to join our meeting. We would welcome all EMS representatives promoting the society at the workshop, and appreciate if you could announce our event on your homepage.
So far, we were fortunate to keep the registration free for all participants due to the generous contributions. This allowed us to offer refreshments during the workshop breaks as well as a conference dinner to exchange ideas in a more informal setting. I am pleased that this years venue, the historic sail boat Rickmer Rickmers with a view over Hamburgs harbor, will capture both Hanseatic tradition as well as the cities future developments. As you have kindly supported last years event, I would like to ask if you were interested in doing it again this year.I thank you for your consideration and hope to see EMS in Hamburg soon,
Philip Moll
Abercrombie Meeting 2022
11 to 15 September 2022
The series of Abercrombie meetings have been held since the death of Michael Abercrombie in 1979. Michael was a pioneer in the field of investigating cell behaviour using timelapse microscopy. Abercrombie meetings are held only every five years and therefore offer an excellent opportunity to review the major advances in our understanding of cell motility and look to the new emerging concepts in the field.
Flow Cytometry Course 2022 RMS
12 to 16 September 2022
This Flow Cytometry Course is aimed at both clinical applications and applications in cell biology, with the common fundamentals covered on Day 1 and 2. The course then splits into clinical applications and applications in cell biology streams, from practical demonstrations to lectures highlighting not just the applications, but best practise as well.
The course is constructed as a set of three modules. You can elect to attend the course from between two to five days, depending on the modules selected.The modules consist of lectures interspersed with sessions in the laboratory. It is anticipated that instruments from three manufacturers will be available for practical work.This course is open to all and is suitable for those who are relatively new to flow cytometry and who wish to expand their experience with applications and specific analysis.A trade exhibition will be held at this event on Wednesday 14 September.
26 September 2022
Due to the current events and the international mobility regulations on this 2020-21, the LEEM PEEM 12 committee have decided to postpone the Congress, and so guarantee, as is tradition, the participation of people from all around the globe. The new date is september 26 2022.
We wish you well and hope to see you soon!
Microscopy: Advances, Innovation, Impact 2022 – incorporating the RMS AGM & Section AGMs
29 September 2022
The RMS Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are set to take place virtually on 29 September 2022. The day will also include a number of talks.This meeting will be the fifth one-day meeting in the Microscopy: Advances, Innovation, Impact series, having previously taken place in 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2021.The RMS Annual General Meeting, as well as the Outreach & Education and Section AGMS, will also take place on the day and we invite all our members to join us to reflect on the year and plan for the future.The Society’s AGMs are free to attend for both members and non-members.
Pier Giorgio Merli TEM School in Materials Science - 8th edition
03 to 14 October 2022
The 8th edition of the School, organized by CNR-IMM and SISM will take place in Bologna (Italy) from 3 to 14 October 2022.
As in previous editions, in two full weeks, following a well-tested series of theoretical and practical lessons, the School will provide students and researchers engaged in the materials science field (physics, chemistry, engineering) with a qualified introduction to Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques. For a complete description and an updated calendar of the course, please refer to the School website temschool.bo.imm.cnr.it.Registration is open at the SISM web site www.sism.it/Details/178.
Spence Memorial Symposium
11 to 13 October 2022
John Spence had a remarkable scientific impact over an illustrious career spanning nearly 50 years before passing away in June, 2021. His friends and colleagues are honoring his legacy with an international symposium based around the topics of imaging, diffraction and crystallography. A key objective is to project his achievements into the future by discussing current state-of-the art as well as exploring future directions and opportunities in related fields. Contributed talks and posters are welcome. We are especially interested in providing a forum for the next generation of researchers in these areas.
Advanced TEM Specimen Preparation - Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy (StEM)
24 to 28 October 2022
The workshop on Advanced TEM Specimen Preparation will present a selection of advanced techniques for the preparation of TEM samples. It includes lectures, equipment demonstrations, as well as practical hands-on laboratory, work for the participants under the guidance of staff members of the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy, demonstrating the following methods:
- Ultramicrotomy (UM)
- Focused Ion Beam (FIB)
- Ion Milling (IM)
- Automated Tripod Polishing (Tripod)
- Metallographic Pre-preparation (MP)
XVI Interamerican Congress on Microscopy (CIASEM 2022)
26 to 28 October 2022
Virtual International Microscopy Lecture Series
06 December 2022
We are pleased to announce that Professor Christian Colliex will be giving a lecture entitled "Seeing, measuring and analysing in the nanoworld with the multisignal STEM" www.rms.org.uk/IMLS_Colliex
The 2024 Annual Symposium for the Microscopy Society of Ireland
17 to 19 January 2023
MMC2023: Abstract submission deadline extended!
15 to 24 February 2023
The Abstract submission deadline for oral and poster presentations has been extended for Microscience Microscopy Congress 2023 (incorporating EMAG 2023).
The new deadline for further submissions is Friday 24 February.
One of the biggest events of its kind in Europe, mmc2023 brings the very best in microscopy, imaging and cytometry from across the globe.
Microscopy Conference 2023 (MC2023)
26 February to 02 March 2023
Botanical Microscopy Meeting 2023
02 to 06 April 2023
22nd International Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials
03 to 06 April 2023
Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science 2023 (MFS2023)
11 April to 27 September 2023
17th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis
07 to 11 May 2023
The primary aim of this series of Workshops is to assess the state-of-the-art and reliability of microbeam analysis techniques.
The Workshops are organised in such a way as to maximise transfer of knowledge among the participants and to provide a comprehensive exhibition of the latest analytical equipment. The programme includes time and opportunities for participants to visit the technical exhibitions and interact with the manufacturers.
Previous Workshops in this series were held in Antwerp (1989), Dubrovnik (1991), Rimini (1993), St. Malo (1995), Torquay (1997), Konstanz (1999), Tampere (2001), Chiclana de la Frontera (2003), Florence (2005), Antwerp (2007), Gdansk (2009), Angers (2011), Porto (2013), Portorož (2015), Konstanz (2017), and Trondheim (2019). They included sessions covering electron (EPMA, TEM, SEM, Auger, EELS), ion (SIMS, FIB), and nuclear (RBS, NRA) microbeam methods.
The main topics of the Seventeenth Workshop (EMAS 2023) are: electron probe microanalysis (EPMA); electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD); software tools; focussed ion beam; Combined techniques in SEM; and materials applications of microbeam analysis. Time will also be devoted to problem orientated applications in material science, geological science, environmental studies, astrophysics, microelectronics, forensics, cultural heritage and archaeology, nanomaterials, surfaces and interfaces, catalysts, sensors, …Organised by: The European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS)
Contrast Mechanisms in S(T)EM and SEM/EBSD
08 and 09 May 2023
Journal of Cell Science 2023 Meeting on Imaging Cell Dynamics
14 to 17 May 2023
ISM2023 - The 56th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy
22 and 23 May 2023
The 56th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy will be held on Tuesday May 23rd, 2023 at the Binyanei Hauma - International Convention Center, Jerusalem.The meeting will be preceded by a one day tutorial workshop on Monday May 22nd, 2023 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Open, reproducible hardware for microscopy. Theo Murphy meeting
22 and 23 May 2023
Frontiers of in-situ materials characterization - from new instrumentation and methods to imaging aided materials design
29 May to 02 June 2023
EUFN FIB Workshop
07 to 09 June 2023
8th Meeting of the International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies
11 to 16 June 2023
SCANDEM conference June 2023
12 to 15 June 2023
27th Wilhelm Bernard Workshop on the Cell Nucleus
19 to 23 June 2023
The purpose of the 5-day workshop is to create a multidisciplinary meeting representing various research approaches most used in studies on the cell nucleus structure, functions, and relationships and contribute to our understanding of genome functioning, cancer development, diagnostics and cure.
The main part of the WBW consists of the following sessions:- Nuclear Compartments and Gene Expression
- Nuclear Lipids and Phase Separation in Health and Disease (organized as a workshop of the COST Action 19105)
- DNA Replication, Repair, Disease
- Novel Methods in Nuclear Research and Diagnostics
- Pathogenesis and Cancer (organized as a Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry)
Oral lectures will be complemented by a Poster session and ceremonies to award the Wilhelm Bernhard Medal and a Young Researcher Award.
7th Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces Conference
27 and 28 June 2023
The 7th Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces (MCOII) meeting will return to an in-person format in 2023 and will be hosted for the first time in North America at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, home of the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy.
The transatlantic scientific organizing team of Nadja V. Tarakina (MPIKG, Germany) and Kathryn Grandfield (McMaster University, Canada) have put together an exciting two-day programme. As usual, the first day will be more general, covering a broad range of microscopy approaches (correlative microscopy solutions, in-situ liquid microscopy methods, low-voltage electron microscopy and many more) in the context of imaging hybrid and soft matter.
On the second day, a special Focus Lecture Series, entitled “Multi-dimensional and multiscale microscopy of organic-inorganic interface” will cover a more-detailed range of lectures on tomographic methods spanning light, X-ray and electron microscopy, as well as atom probe tomography and in situ electron microscopy/tomography.
This conference will bring together world-leading experts in microscopy, highlighting the latest achievements, new opportunities and outstanding challenges in probing beam-sensitive and hybrid materials and their interfaces.
MMC 2023
03 to 06 July 2023
Make sure your 2023 diary includes mmc2023 which is returning to Manchester from 3-6 July. As with the previous events, you can expect a huge and varied scientific conference alongside Europe's largest free microscopy and imaging exhibition filled with a huge number of free training workshops.
First volume EM Gordon Research Conference
16 to 21 July 2023
The meeting will highlight the latest technical and research developments in the vEM field. It will build on recent successes, with vEM being named as one of the 7 technologies to watch for 2023 in Nature and support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to further build the vEM community.
CMD 30-Fismat
04 to 08 September 2023
Electron microscopies (EM) are demonstrating more and more impressive insight into condensed matter physics. This minicolloquium will share the most advanced applications and perspectives across the electron microscopy community.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) boasts sub-atomic lateral resolution combined with spectroscopic selectivity down to meV range and ultrafast time resolution, into the attosecond range, making it one of the most complete microscopic tools for the investigation of carefully prepared thin samples. The introduction of focused ion beams (FIB) dramatically increased the range of application of TEM. Further advances include gaining control on the angular momentum of primary electrons and acquiring in operando capabilities to address real world phenomena. Scanning electron Microscopy (SEM) is still mostly devoted to imaging applications on bulk systems, featuring tunable depth sensitivity and the ability of rapidly switching from large fields of view down to nanoscale lateral resolution. Analytical spectroscopic tools like X-Ray fluorescence and cathodoluminescence provide elemental
concentration, chemical and electronic structure bulk properties, where the lateral resolution and energy selectivity are a few orders of magnitude larger than in TEM. The advent of low voltage SEM, low energy EM (LEEM) and controlled environments pave the way to still more pioneering developments towards highly surface sensitive, energy and time selective analytical capabilities. Local insights into the electronic structure of condensed matter were demonstrated [9]. The surface sensitivity of the SEM probe would make a very fruitful match with the already demonstrated capabilities of TEMs for bulk properties, with the further possibility of implementing in operando non-destructive studies. Ab-initio numerical modeling plays an increasingly crucial role to fully exploit EM.
Abstract for oral and poster contribution can be submitted at https://eventi.cnism.it/cmd30-fismat/submission_form within the DEADLINE of April, 15th, 2023. You will have to select the mini-colloquium in the second submission page.
Conference fees:
- Early bird until July 16th: 350 €
- Late registration from July 17 to September 3rd: 400 €
- On site registration: 450 €
Reduced fee for young scientist born in 1993 and successive years.
- Early bird until July 16th: 200 €
- Late registration from July 17 to September 3rd: 250 €
We hope to welcome you on site next September,
Alberto Tagliaferri (Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy),
Jacob Hoogenboom (TUDelft, Delft, The Netherlands),
Filip Mika (ISI CAS, v.v.i., BRNO, Czech Republic),
Silvia Pietralunga (CNR-IFN, Milano, Italy)
Adhesion and migration in disease: mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities
05 to 08 September 2023
This meeting provides an exciting opportunity to present and discuss emerging concepts in adhesion and migration research, and routes to translating findings into diagnostic tools and therapies for a broad range of diseases. We encourage participants from all disciplines with an interest in the field from both academia and industry to attend. There will be opportunities for earlier career scientists to present their research and interact closely with world leaders in this field.
The 20th International Microscopy Congress
10 to 15 September 2023
On behalf of the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM), it is my pleasure to introduce the 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC20), to be held in September 2022, in the stunning Convention and Exhibition Centre in Busan. IMC is the Olympics of microscopy; held every four years and attracting delegates from across the globe. The program will include world-renowned plenary speakers alongside an extensive trade exhibition where leading suppliers launch ground-breaking new instruments.
It is a particular pleasure to introduce the Korean Society of Microscopy (KSM) as the host for IMC20 which will be held in Korea for the first time. A tradition of IMC events has been a vibrant social calendar and delegates will have ample opportunity to enjoy fabulous Korean food and to explore historical and cultural attractions in the Busan area. I look forward to warmly welcoming you and your family to Korea in 2023.
Opening Symposium Core Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Charité
15 September 2023
Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science 2023 (MFS2023)
27 to 29 September 2023
MFS2023 is an international event focused on electron microscopy and its impact on life sciences, material sciences and structural biology. The conference will be held in conjunction with the MultEMplex COST Innovators Grant Meeting. More information, registration and the call for abstracts can be found at www.mfs2023.com
EBSN - 2023
11 to 13 October 2023
The research area of nanophotonics, the study of light at the nanoscale, has experienced a dramatic growth in recent years. To further advance this field, it is essential to develop novel characterization techniques that are able to generate, probe and control light at length scales far below the diffraction limit of light, at a broad energy range, and at femtosecond time scales. Recently, electron-beam spectroscopies have emerged as powerful probes in nanophotonics research, fueled by the advent of improved microscopes and the exploration of brand-new techniques.
Fifth International Workshop on Electron Beam Spectroscopy for Nanophotonics
5th Conference of the Romanian Electron Microscopy Society - C.R.E.M.S.
18 to 25 October 2023
16th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis
27 to 30 October 2023
The flowcytometryUK 2023 Meeting
16 November 2023
Virtual European Flow Core Meeting 2023
04 and 05 December 2023
Workshops Introduction to ImageJ/Fiji and Writing macros in ImageJ
11 and 12 December 2023
Interfacing Biophysics and Physical Science Microscopy
11 December 2023
Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy
28 January to 02 February 2024
AFM & SPM Meeting 2024
25 to 28 March 2024
EPMA workshop
25 to 28 March 2024
19th European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM 2024
12 to 15 May 2024
It is with great pleasure to invite you to Porto for the next European Molecular Imaging Meeting – the EMIM 2024! The EMIM 2024 is the 19th annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging – ESMI. (www.emim.eu).Don’t miss to contribute! We are looking forward to many contributions from all fields of Imaging Science!BASIC TIMELINEJuly 2023 | Open Call for Programme Team Members & Reviewers10 Oct. 2023 | Opening Abstract Submission21 November 2023 | Deadline Abstract Submission4 January 2024 | Notification to Presenters17 January 2024 | Early Bird Registration DeadlineAbstract main categoriesPhysics, Engineering & TechnologiesProbe Chemistry & Reporter GenesReconstruction, Processing & AnalysisImage-Guided TherapyCardiovascular & RespiratoryCNS & Peripheral NervesMusculoskeletalGastrointestinalOncologyImmunology, Inflammation, & InfectionMetabolismRe-/Degeneration & Developmental BiologyContact: Doris Krachtoffice(at)e-smi.eu
HSM Conference 2024
15 to 17 May 2024
16 and 17 May 2024
The 57th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy
28 May 2024
Latest Trends in In-situ and Correlative Electron Microscopy – Conference & Workshop ICEM 2025
02 to 04 June 2024
04 to 07 June 2024
9th International Workshop on Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Related Techniques
09 to 14 June 2024
16 to 20 June 2024
Workshop on Advanced Precession-Assisted 4D-STEM and 3D-ED
19 and 20 June 2024
JEELS 2024
02 to 04 July 2024
We are delighted to announce the 13th edition of the “Journées de l’EELS “: JEELS 2024 congress, which will take place in Toulouse in the CEMES laboratory, from 2nd to 4th of July 2024. In the continuity of the last JEELS edition that took place in Munster with the German EELS community, this edition will be a join congress between the France and Spain communities. Abstract submission is now open until the 1st of March (https://sfmu.fr/fr/jeels2024/).
Recent substantial advances in electron optics, gun brightness, electron monochromators, new spectroscopic instrumentation and detectors have motivated the development of multiple fast-electron-based spectroscopies capable of atomic-scale spatial resolution and the use of complementary EM-based techniques for material science. JEELS 2024 will be a forum for discussing the current status, new developments and the perspectives for techniques, instrumentation, and data analysis.
The conference scope includes:
- Correlative Spectroscopies for materials science
- Advanced instrumentation, signal and image processing
- Low-energy excitations
- Theory applied to electron spectroscopies
- Operando
- New Spectroscopies
Due to the progress in electron energy resolution and temporal resolution, electron-based spectroscopies are now competing for the study of material science with the X-ray and the optics community, therefore contributions highlighting the complementarity of novel EM-based techniques with non-based electron techniques will be encouraged, as well as contributions in materials chemistry, condensed matter physics soft matter and biomaterials.
The Organizing committee
Cécile Marcelot, Teresa Hungria, Sophie Meuret, Pier Francesco Fazzini and Bénédicte Warot-Fonrose
03 and 04 July 2024
The 22ndTEM-UCA
15 to 19 July 2024
EURASIP - IEEE SPS Summer School on Remote Sensing and Microscopy Image Processing
29 July to 02 August 2024
The EURASIP - IEEE SPS Summer School on Remote Sensing and Microscopy Image Processing (SSRM) will be held between 29 July and 2 August 2024 in Veszprem, Hungary - the 2023 European Capital of Culture.
SSRM is organized for graduate and PhD students as well as postdocs and young researchers from all over the world! Participants will benefit from direct interaction and discussions with world leaders in the domain and also have the possibility to present their research, and to interact with their scientific peers, in a friendly international environment. The lectures will be given by world renowned experts from both academia and industry, and will cover theoretical and practical aspects of image processing for Remote Sensing and Miscroscopy. In the afternoons students work in teams and solve an assignment of reviewing and analyzing State of the Art of a particular topic. On the last day of the Summer School, there will be an exam about the lecture topics as well as teams present their results to fellow participants and an evaluation committee (selected from lecturers). The best works are awarded prizes. Students will receive a certificate of attending the Summer School and passing the exam. This Summer School is accepted as a special PhD course by several Universities.
Should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact the organizers at ssrm2024@rgvc.eu
From Atoms to Materials with Electron Nanoscopy: Advanced analytical and in situ approaches (ATMATEN 2024)
28 and 29 September 2024
2024 Frontiers of Electron Microscopy and Materials Science (FEMMS)
29 September to 04 October 2024
Lorentz Workshop "AtoB: Connecting novel microscopy methods to the science of the future"
28 October to 01 November 2024
Frontiers in Physical Imaging 2024
19 and 20 November 2024
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
01 to 06 December 2024
UK FIB&Prep Meeting
15 January 2025